Twenty. Veinte. Twintig. Zwanzig.
Makes me screeaam "Waaah! I'm old!"
BUT! But! But!
This does not make this day less special. Thanks to everyone who remembered! As in I am so touched to hear your birthday greetings. You know who you guys are. :) My heart is just bursting with so much love! And I so so love you all as well! Thank you God for blessing me and loving me so much that you actually made me know these people! <3 I have so much more to be thankful for and the space is not enough. Just, thank you God for everything. You definitely know what's in my heart before I can even say it. :)
I said I will spend this day answering my theo thesis statements but how much fun is that?? Huh?! (Sorry God, I know that you know you are way more heavenly than acads.) Soooo now, I am absolutely not minding the consequences of going against my (supposedly) strict schedule. I still have a lot more hours to spend for theo if I'd be willing to but I just want my birthday to be just as relaxing as I wished it to be. :)
So, here's to more twenty-years to come! :) And here's to more hugs and kisses to go along with it!