Something really exhilarating happened last night! And I would have to saaaayy woooohoooo!! Fine, I even haven't gotten my voice back since the Eheads concert and I think I'm losing more than half of what's left again. I'm beginning to wonder when I would have my normal voice back.
I dunno but I felt like I was in dire need of gimmicks, admittedly I was deprived of it during the past months. I barely saw my old time friends for quite some time and I don't think we'll be going out until April. Sooo, I, my sister and her boyfie went to Glorietta yesterday to hang out and chill out at Hard Rock Cafe before we go home.

Guess who we found?? TEE-HEEE!

So that was a bit close. But this one's closer! Wooohoo hahaha! Fanatic much? Who cares? I think this happens rarely and I should definitely take advantage of it, yes? :D Oh, Ely! Haylabyuu.

Met the other members of Pupil too and had a quick chat with their drummer, Wendell. :) Oh, how I remember those days when I used to perform in various bars in the metro too. Alright, maybe not as posh as Hard Rock, but still this is quite reminiscent. Gone are those days. So so gone. Haha!
Side story: As we were waiting for them to play, Jay, NU 107's DJ tried to make the crowd even livelier by having someone (preferably a fresh grad) to chitchat with. And since we were located near the stage and was very vulnerable to approaches, I kept on stuffing and munching chips and fish and chips and fish and chips (if it was only possible to put them all in my mouth, I tell you, I would have done so!) just so I wouldn't be called (because I would look too busy eating!). But my sister and her boyfie were very kind to me and pointed me even! I was a BIT tipsy soooo.. HAHA!

Jay: Hi! What's your name?
Me: Jam
Jay: Hi Jam! What do you do?
Me: Will just be graduating soon. :)
Jay: What did you take up?
Me: BS Management
Jay: Do you have any plans yet?
Me: Hmm. Sleep and rest for the next 2 months!
Jay: That was a clever plan you have. :) You can actually make that 6 instead. Where did you graduate if you don't mind me asking?
Me: Ateneo de Manila
Jay: Alright, we have a smart girl right here. Okay so for my question.. As I was mentioning earlier, NU Rock (blah blah blah blah)
(Okay so just when he said I'm smart, that's when I didn't hear his question properly, I thought he was asking for their tagline.)Me: NU Rock 107, home of NU Rock
Jay: No, I meant, frequency. 107 blank blank.
Me: Ohh. Hmmm.
(Of course I know what frequency means! Of course!!! And so I was about to make a wild guess and say, 107 dot 5! Why in the world do I always stop myself from making wild guesses! I always knew that was 107.5!!! I could have bagged the freebies! BUT INSTEAD I SAID...)Me: U-oh! SORRRRY!
Jay: Hahaha! That's okay, Jam! Thanks for being so game! :)
He was so cool and funny! :)
It was a fun fun night. Want more of it! ;)
Hmm, what's next for summer? Bora maybe?? Weee! Excited!