"Simply having the courage to say senseless things made me euphoric. All you have to do is open your mouth and have the courage to say things you don't understand."

"Fate is strange: almost no one I know married the first love of their lives. Those who did are always telling me that they missed something important, that they didn't experience all that they might have."
"It's around the well that lovers find each other, satisfy their thirst. But if one decides to leave, the well cannot go with them. Love remains there, abandoned - even though it is filled with the same pure water as before."

"We have to listen to the child we once were, the child who still exists inside us. That child understands magic moments. We can stifle its cries, but we cannot silence its voice. The child we once were is still there. Blessed are the children, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. If we are not reborn - if we cannot learn to look at life with the innocence and the enthusiasm of childhood - it makes no sense to go on living."

"The magic moment is the moment when a yes or a no can change our whole existence."
By the River Piedra, I Sat Down and Wept
Paolo Coehlo

"Fate is strange: almost no one I know married the first love of their lives. Those who did are always telling me that they missed something important, that they didn't experience all that they might have."
"It's around the well that lovers find each other, satisfy their thirst. But if one decides to leave, the well cannot go with them. Love remains there, abandoned - even though it is filled with the same pure water as before."
"We have to listen to the child we once were, the child who still exists inside us. That child understands magic moments. We can stifle its cries, but we cannot silence its voice. The child we once were is still there. Blessed are the children, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. If we are not reborn - if we cannot learn to look at life with the innocence and the enthusiasm of childhood - it makes no sense to go on living."

"The magic moment is the moment when a yes or a no can change our whole existence."
By the River Piedra, I Sat Down and Wept
Paolo Coehlo
Sometimes, we don't notice that we are already too busy to see that something that truly matters. We let it go. Oftentimes, we don't realize that we just choose to confuse ourselves and focus on things that seem to matter.
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